đź“… January 26: Matthew 28: The Resurrection of Jesus

:date: January 26: Matthew 28: The Resurrection of Jesus

Triumph Over Death and The Great Commission

:earth_africa: Introduction

Today, we explore Matthew 28, a chapter of profound significance in Christian faith. It narrates the resurrection of Jesus Christ, marking a triumphant victory over death and the initiation of the Great Commission.

:sunrise: Matthew 28: The Resurrection

Matthew 28 opens with the dramatic scene of the empty tomb. The resurrection is not only a testament to Jesus’ divinity but also a foundation of Christian hope and faith.

:scroll: Key Verse: “He is not here; he has risen, just as he said. Come and see the place where he lay.” — Matthew 28:6

:earth_asia: The Great Commission

The latter part of the chapter records Jesus’ command to His disciples to make disciples of all nations, baptizing them and teaching them His teachings, thereby spreading the Christian faith worldwide.

:scroll: Key Verse: “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” — Matthew 28:19

:sparkles: Key Themes and Reflections:

The Power of Resurrection: The resurrection of Jesus is central to Christian belief, symbolizing hope, renewal, and the defeat of death.

Global Mission: The Great Commission emphasizes the global scope of the Christian mission, calling believers to spread the gospel to every corner of the earth.

Presence of Christ: Jesus’ assurance of His continual presence offers comfort and strength to believers in fulfilling the Great Commission.

:bulb: Today’s Application:

Reflect on the significance of the resurrection in your life and how it shapes your faith. Consider your role in the Great Commission and how you can contribute to spreading the message of Christ’s love and salvation.

:mag: Hidden Gem:

Did you know? The command to baptize in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit is a foundational aspect of Christian doctrine, emphasizing the Trinity.

:thought_balloon: Reflective Q&A:

:earth_africa: Matthew 28: The Resurrection and The Great Commission

:question: The Impact of the Resurrection: How does the resurrection of Jesus influence your understanding of life, death, and hope?

A: The resurrection offers a transformative perspective on life, providing hope beyond death and affirming the promise of eternal life for believers.

:question: Living the Great Commission: In what ways can you live out the Great Commission in your daily life?

A: By sharing the message of Christ’s love, serving others in His name, and being a living testament to the transformative power of the Gospel.

:speech_balloon: Join the Discussion:

Share how the resurrection of Jesus and His teachings influence your faith and actions. How do you participate in the Great Commission in your community?

#Resurrection #GreatCommission #ChristianFaith #Matthew28 #BibleStudy

:date: See You Tomorrow in Matthew: Join us as we continue exploring the profound teachings and events in the life of Jesus.

Matthew 28
The chapter commences as the Sabbath concludes. The RSV states: “Now after the Sabbath, towards the dawn of the first day of the week.” Thus it is Sunday, 17th Abib. Jerusalem was in an uproar because of the events of the Passover. The disciples were not understanding the circumstances of their Master’s death. So two women went to the sepulchre to attend to the body of the Lord: v. 1. Then came a startling experience. There is a “great earthquake,” the second earthquake of the weekend. The first was at the time of sacrifice; this second is at the time of immortalisation. The angels looked with delight on the work of redemption as the sinless Master came forth from death to receive immortal life. Thus: [1] Earthquake and resurrection: vv. 1-4. So the record reveals on the next day, Monday, 18th Abib, appropriately the first day of the new week. [2] The women are told that Christ is risen: vv. 5-8. [3] The first meeting with Christ: vv. 9-10. [4] The Watch enters the city: vv. 11-15. [5] At Galilee: vv. 16-17. [6] In Jerusalem: vv. 18-20. • The atoning work of Yahweh in His Son has been achieved, and we can benefit by identifying with a newness of life, after the example of our Master. The great joy of the first day saw the consummation of the divine work in Yahshua in the power of the resurrection. Having been anointed with the oil of gladness, he was now embraced in wonder of immortality. He came from the sleep of death to the joyous acclamation of the Elohim, and to songs of praise from heaven’s voices. The song of the angels at his birth, is completed as the angels gathered with he who now was victorious over sin and death. There was another earthquake, a greater than the one which tore the veil of the temple, just three days earlier. The new day was the beginning of a new creation of spiritual glory, for those in Yahshua will similarly enjoy a “newness of life,” having passed through the dividing of the waters of baptism. As there were two earthquakes at the crucifixion and resurrection of the Lord, so there will be two earthquakes at his return. The first at Sinai, the place of judgment against Sin, like that of the former when the veil was torn, will “open the graves” (see Mat. 27:52) at the voice of the archangel (1Thes. 4:16). The second great earthquake will occur at Armageddon (Zech. 14:4), and witness the multitudinous Christ in glory, as the Lord and his saints take control of the kingdoms of this earth in power and great glory. What wondrous words conclude the Gospel of Matthew, as the Lord declares: “All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth…” — Logos.