📅 February 3: Exodus 9 - The Power of God and A Hardened Heart

:date: February 3: Exodus 9 - The Power of God and A Hardened Heart

The Magnitude of God’s Power and Pharaoh’s Obstinate Heart

:earth_africa: Introduction

Exodus 9 is an intense chapter that vividly portrays God’s might and Pharaoh’s stubbornness. In a series of catastrophic plagues, God reveals both His sovereignty and His judgment against Egypt’s false gods.

:ear: The Plagues Continue

As God continues to send plagues upon Egypt, Moses warns Pharaoh about the severity of the coming plagues, urging the monarch to let God’s people go. Yet, Pharaoh’s heart remains hardened.

:scroll: Key Verse: Exodus 9:12 - “But the LORD hardened Pharaoh’s heart and he would not listen to Moses and Aaron, just as the LORD had said to Moses.”

:tornado: Severe Hail

In this chapter, God sends a destructive storm – a tempest of hail and fire unlike Egypt had ever seen. Those who feared the word of the LORD brought their servants and livestock indoors, thus saving them.

:sparkles: Key Themes and Reflections

  1. God’s Power: The plagues demonstrate God’s absolute power - over nature, over man, and over false gods and idols.
  2. Human Stubbornness: Pharaoh, as an emblem of humanity’s ignorance and arrogance, refuses God’s commands despite being shown overwhelming evidence of His power.
  3. Faith and Obedience: Those who choose to ignore God’s warnings face destruction, while those who fear the Lord and heed his words are spared.

:bulb: Today’s Application

Pharaoh disregarded God’s warnings, leading to disastrous consequences. In today’s world, we too are given spiritual warnings. When God gently nudges us, we ought to listen. We should avoid hardening our hearts against God’s guidance.

:mag: Hidden Gem

Though the scriptures say that “the LORD hardened Pharaoh’s heart”, it’s worth noting that the Hebrew for hardened can also be translated as ‘made strong’. God didn’t tempt Pharaoh to do evil, but solidified the choice he had already made.

:thought_balloon: Reflective Q&A

:question: How do the plagues reflect God’s power and judgment?
A: The plagues displayed God’s ultimate power over the natural world and also served as a demonstration of His judgement on Egypt’s injustices and idolatry.

:question: Can we relate Pharaoh’s hardened heart to modern times?
A: Absolutely. Pharaoh’s stubbornness and inability to heed God’s warnings remind us of instances where we refuse to follow God’s direction in our own lives, often resulting in unnecessary suffering.

:speech_balloon: Join the Discussion

Do you see any other applications in the story of Exodus 9 that resonate with you? Share your thoughts in the comment section below!

:date: See You Tomorrow in Exodus 10:

As we move forward in Exodus, we continue to see the unfolding of God’s grand plan for His people. Pharaoh’s heart remains obstinate. Will his resolve crack under the weight of the incoming plagues? Join us tomorrow to find out!

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Exodus 9
The developing plagues pose a real problem for Pharaoh… It was a contest between the Principle of Righteousness and that of Sin. Significantly, the identity of the Deity is constantly referred to as “Yahweh Elohim of the Hebrews” (as in v. 1). The title indicates the Deity of those who have “crossed over” (the meaning of the name Hebrew) and therefore a division is indicated in the status of Abraham’s seed. This was established in Exodus 8:23, when the first plague that made such a distinction occurred (see ch. 8:22). Now, in ch. 9, that principle is strengthened, for there must be a division between the Egyptian spirit and that of the Truth. They are incompatible. The plagues that followed strengthened that separation, as the contest continued. The whole situation demonstrates the longsuffering of Yahweh towards sinners (Exodus 9:15). The very stubbornness of Pharaoh helped to save such as Rahab (Josh. 2:10), and reveals the power of Yahweh to break the will of the most determined and exalted sinner (Exo. 7:3-5; Psa. 76:12). The world was to learn through this that resistance to Yahweh only increases His glory (Exo. 9:16; Psa. 9:16). How sad that Pharaoh’s heart was only hardened by the providential circumstances! Sometimes even the reception of the Truth does not mean the acceptance of the divine principles: for stubbornness is in the heart of flesh. How careful we need to be, to ensure we are on the side of the Hebrews, and not on that of Egypt. The chapter reveals: [1] Fifth Plague: Murrain on Egyptian Beasts: vv. 1-7. [2] 6th Plague: Ashes into Boils and Blains: vv. 8-12. [3] Pharaoh warned of the next plague: vv. 13-21. [4] Seventh Plague: Hail and Storm: vv. 22-26. [5] Moses intercedes for Pharaoh: vv. 27-35. — Logos.