šŸ“… February 26: Exodus 39, 40: Faith and Obedience Establishes The Tabernacle

:date: February 26: Exodus 39, 40: Faith and Obedience Establishes The Tabernacle

:earth_africa: Introduction

In Exodus 39 and 40, we witness the Israelitesā€™ faith and obedience in action as they follow Godā€™s specific directions in crafting and setting up the Tabernacle. This is a beautiful display of Godā€™s sovereignty and manā€™s devoted obedience: a blueprint of communion between the Creator and His people.

:thread: Exodus 39: The Priestly Garments

The Israelites, with Bezalel and Oholiab at the helm, craft the priestly garments with precision and care, following Godā€™s instructions to the letter.

:scroll: Key Verse: Exodus 39:43 ā€“ ā€œAnd Moses did look upon all the work, and, behold, they had done it as the Lord had commanded, even so, had they done it: and Moses blessed them.ā€

:camping: Exodus 40: Setting up The Tabernacle

The tabernacle is erected, and the ark of the covenant is established in its Most Holy Place. Moses consecrates Aaron and his sons to serve as priests in this dwelling place of God.

:scroll: Key Verse: Exodus 40:34 ā€“ ā€œThen a cloud covered the tent of the congregation, and the glory of the Lord filled the tabernacle.ā€

:sparkles: Key Themes and Reflections

  1. Faith and Obedience: The Israelites meticulously follow Godā€™s instructions, demonstrating profound faith and obedience which are the cornerstones of spirituality.
  2. Godā€™s Presence: When the work is completed, Godā€™s glory fills the tabernacle, signifying His constant presence among His people.

:bulb: Todayā€™s Application

We are Godā€™s living tabernacles today. By adhering to His teachings in every aspect of our lives, we invite His glory and presence into our hearts, shaping us into vessels of His love and grace.

:mag: Hidden Gem

An interesting nugget: the completion of the tabernacle occurred exactly one year after the Israelitesā€™ exodus from Egypt. The journey from slavery to crafting Godā€™s chosen dwelling place is indeed remarkable!

:thought_balloon: Reflective Q&A

:question: What do the priestly garments represent?
A: They symbolised divine righteousness, holiness, and commitment to servant leadership.
:question: How does the presence of God in the Tabernacle apply to us today?
A: Like the Tabernacle, we are to be the dwelling place of Godā€™s Spirit, bringing His glory to the world.

:speech_balloon: Join the Discussion

What actions display your faith and obedience to God?

:date: See You Tomorrow in Leviticus 1, 2

Coming up next, we delve into the Book of Leviticus where instructions are given regarding offerings to the Lord. See you soon in our shared journey!

Exodus 39,40
Chapter 39 deals with the holy garments for Aaron, already introduced in ch. 28. It sets out: [1] The priestly garments: vv. 1-31. [2] The work completed: v. 32. [3] Inspected and approved by Moses: vv. 33-43. There are two different words for ā€œserviceā€ used in v. 1. The first is ā€˜serad,ā€™ signifying a stitching, whereas the second is ā€˜sharath,ā€™ to attend, such as to minister. Those that wear robes of honour must consider them as ā€˜cloths of service,ā€™ for from those upon whom honour is placed, service is expected. It is said of those that are arrayed in white robes that they are before the throne of God, and serve Him day and night in His temple (Rev. 7:13-15). Holy garments were not made for men to sleep in, or to strut in, or to merely display, but to do service in ā€” and then they are indeed for glory and beauty, teaching important lessons of God manifestation. The Son of man himself came not to be ministered unto, but to minister. Notice the number of times in this chapter there is repeated ā€œas Yahweh commanded Mosesā€ (vv. 1, 5, 7, 21, 26, 29, 31, and again continued in ch. 40). In vv. 22-23 the robe of the ephod had a hole in the midst of it, obviously for slipping the garment over the head, and therefore this garment had no seam (for the antitype see John 19:23). ā€¢ Ch. 40 brings the end of the Book of the Exodus. It sets out: [1] The tabernacle commenced to be erected: vv. 1-8. [2] Aaron instructed to anoint the tabernacle: vv. 9-11. [3] The priests are sanctified: vv. 12-16. [4] Tabernacle set up: vv. 17-19. [5] The Most Holy completed: vv. 20-21. [6] The table of shewbread: vv. 22-23. [7] Moses lights the lamps: vv. 24-25. [8] The altar of incense: vv. 26-27. [9] The hanging and altar of burnt offering: vv. 28-29. [10] The laver and the court: vv. 30-33. [11] The cloud covers the tabernacle: vv. 34-35. [12] The cloud leads the people: vv. 36-38. Yahweh now sets a time for the tabernacle to be erected, an appointed time (cp. the appointed day for judgment: Acts 17:31). At the setting up of the tabernacle Yahweh would dwell in the midst of them in the Most Holy above the Mercy Seat between the Cherubim, showing that there is only one way of approach, only one who was permitted into the Most Holy, and today our Mediator is in the daily presence of the Almighty. The different parts of the tabernacle were anointed (v. 9), as were the sons of Aaron (v. 15). The Cloud, the Glory of Yahweh, was evident to them throughout all their journeys, as we enjoy daily His Glory through His revealed Word, for He has said ā€œI will never leave thee nor forsake thee.ā€ ā€” Logos